Public Safety Network
The Public Safety Network is the new communications service for New Zealand’s frontline emergency services responders being rolled-out from mid-2023. Fire and Emergency, Police, Hato Hone St John and Wellington Free Ambulance will be the network’s first users and there is scope for other government agencies to join in the future.
Next Generation Critical Communications is responsible for developing the Public Safety Network on behalf of emergency services. The Network will be delivered by Hourua and Tait Systems NZ.
The goal in creating a new secure digital communications network is to support the operational capability of New Zealand’s emergency services staff and volunteers, and to keep them and the public, safer.
A network of three complementary elements
Existing analogue radio networks are being replaced with a single nationwide secure digital radio service, and multi-network priority cellular broadband capability - including voice, video, messaging and data - in urban, state highway and rural areas commonly accessed by frontline emergency services. Secure digital radio will provide voice and messaging services in many areas where cellular service is not available.
The Public Safety Network is made up of:

Digital Land Mobile Radio
A digital radio network built with sufficient resilience to enable emergency services to communicate even in the event of a significant natural disaster. Land Mobile Radio supports push to talk communications which are used extensively by emergency services, and provides location services, is encrypted and secure. More...

Cellular Roaming and Cellular Priority Services
Improves existing cellular network coverage resilience through a multi-network solution and allows sharing of information via apps. Emergency communications will take priority over other mobile users on cellular networks when the networks are congested or degraded. More...

Personal Alerting
Fire and Emergency NZ and Hato Hone St John continue to have access to existing personal alerting technology that will be stabilised to support their volunteers to respond in remote communities.